Thursday, July 12, 2012

Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang !

Well ..sincerely ..honestly ..definitely ..absolutely ..I LOVE BIG BANG SO MUCH ! and TOP is the one who took my heart . Aww . Cant Breath anymore . What a very first time I lost myself from falling in love with someone . Noo I must be Mad !! But the feeling is great . Having someone important in your heart ..Wahoo ! Love 'em so much . but to bad so sad , Cant make it for their Alive galaxy tour 2012 due to the date is freaking near to my major exam - SPM ! :) What if they come to Malaysia again in 2 years time . Surely i will turn up and be one of the VIPs of Big Bang ! Sad na ...:(

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Finally . Officially .

To all the social website icluded you dear blogger .
I , Be Right Back ! I will be back soon :)

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