Monday, January 16, 2012

The art of Study ....

As usual , school has reopen last week ..i mean 4 Jan ! and i am officially admit that I am a SPM candidate for the year 2012 ! its have been a truth for around ten days and now only i am willing to admit ...hahhaa ...
Step into the arena of Form 5 already twelve days ! SPM left few months ..seriusly kinda worried ...but what to do ..the only way is study hard looo ...
Hahahah ..but I have successfully changed myself , Study properly more slacking more lazy more finding reasons to cover the homeworks that i never done more sleeping in da class ..but sometime still cant avoid the sleepiness and will fall sleep for "particular " subject ! hahah .. but after this will be a NO! I promise !
Hor ! I know your feelings boy ! Study hard !
You can DO IT !!!! =D 

Yayeee ! Gonna do so ! 

Yeeeya ! Study Hard and Smart ! DONT BE STUPID ! 
hehehhe study hard journey had started here ! Gonna fight for an Ace for all the subjects ! Watch out ! =D

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